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GBDC Emerges among top 10 Entries for IFLA Pressreader Marketing Award, 2021

GBDC Emerges among top 10 Entries for IFLA Pressreader Marketing Award, 2021

The Ghana Book Development Council (GBDC), an Agency under the Ministry of Education, has been adjudged one of the top ten organisations with creative and result-oriented marketing projects and campaigns for books and reading. This was announced in a press release by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and PressReader to announce the results of the entries for the IFLA PressReader International Marketing Award for 2021.

The IFLA PressReader International Marketing Award is sponsored by PressReader and is presented by IFLA to honour organisations which implement creative, results-oriented marketing projects or campaigns for books, reading and access to information. The objectives of the 2021 Award were among others to “Recognise the best library-related marketing projects from 2020”, encourage marketing practices in the literacy sector, and to provide opportunities for sharing such marketing experience and expertise globally. Eligible participants were libraries and library institutions.

The applications were from all over the world, with entries from countries such as Australia, Belarus, Brazil, China, Colombia, Croatia, Egypt, Germany, Ghana, Ireland, and Kazakhstan. Others are Kenya, Nigeria, Norway, Poland, Russia, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Ukraine, the United States, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. In all, there were 90 entries. The GBDC’s entry on its “Learn to read; read to learn Campaign”, was the only one from Africa which was named among the top ten entries.

The “Learn to read; read to learn” Campaign seeks to create and increase awareness on the numerous benefits of reading, particularly to children. The initiative encourages children (especially those in public basic schools) to learn to read and after they have learnt to read, to continue to read for life. The campaign is to ultimately help to promote quality education, increase the quality of life and general well-being, eradicate ignorance, poverty and disease and help in realising the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  The adopted marketing strategies to implement this campaign include: distribution of Book Booth to Basic Schools and Family Reading and Literacy Promotion Projects

The campaign has succeeded in creating the needed awareness on the importance of reading books as well as making books more accessible to pupils in the rural and deprived areas. 

Commending the award winners and participants, IFLA and PressReader observed that “In spite of the myriad challenges experienced over the last year, libraries worldwide showed remarkable resilience and adaptivity in the wake of sudden lockdowns.” The statement continued that, “As with any challenge, however, comes great innovation and creativity, and this is exemplified by this year’s award recipients.” IFLA is the global voice of the library and information profession, with more than 1300 members in 140 countries worldwide.

Commenting on the feat achieved by the GBDC, the Executive Director of GBDC, Mrs Ernesticia Lartey Asuinura, said, “the GBDC would continue to employ innovative and creative methods to promote reading to the benefit of school children in Ghana. It will also harness the potentials offered by technology to ensure that the majority of school children in Ghana develop a culture of reading as well as have unhindered access to reading books.”


The Ghana Book Development Council (GBDC) was established in 1975 as an Agency under the Ministry of Education. The objective of the Council is to ensure the development, publication, and distribution of textbooks and other reading materials in Ghana to foster national development.
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